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أقسام الشروحات
أقسام الشروحات
Can I change my main domain name for cPanel?
If you like to change the main domain name on your account, please click the link below to...
Can I have multiple domains point to the same website?
Yes, This is called "Domain Parking". Please login to cPanel and select park domain. Nameservers...
Can I purchase a domain without ordering web hosting?
Yes, you can. Please follow the link to order....
How long does it take for name servers to update and to be propagated?
Name servers can take anywhere from 3 - 72 hours to finish updating.
How to add SRV records for office 365 cPanel
On the Advanced DNS Zone Editor page, in the Add a Record area, in the boxes for the new...
How to create a sub domian with cPanel.
Subdomains are URLs for different sections of your website. They use your main domain...
What does it mean to host a domain?
Hosting (also known as Web site hosting and Web hosting) is the business of housing, serving,...
What is EPP for domain transfer?
EPP stands for Extensible Provisioning Protocol: An application layer client-server protocol...
What is a Top-Level Domain (TLD)?
A top-level domain is the part of the domain name located to the right of the dot (" . "). The...
What is a domain name?
A domain name is a Web address. The domain name is mapped to an IP address (which represents a...
What is the domain name system (DNS)?
The domain name system (DNS) enables each machine connected on the Internet to be recognized...
Where can I purchase additional domain names?
You can check the domain for availability and order...
What are my name servers?
You can find the nameservers for your account along with nameservers IPs, inside your Account...
Adding additional domain names to your account
If you want to add an additional domain name (Addon Domian) to your account, you need to login to...
My domain was registered by cheapwebhosting.company. Who owns the domain?
When we, at cheapwebhosting.company, register a domain name on your behalf you are the owner...